Pictures from home show Friday 10th November 2023
Please see the albums in the following link -
Massive congratulations to Tony Coyle who has become to latest national champion for team St Mary's having boxed 4 times in the competition, twice prior the finals weekend and then had to box twice in the finals weekend in Cannock ( Birmingham ), Tony displayed massive improvements from fight to fight, and listened very well to instructions from the coaches and picked up a 4-1 split decision on the Saturday and a unanimous decision on the Sunday to be crowned the new u70kg 2008 national development champion.
Awards ceremony 2023 1/2
Congratulations to all the boxers.
Thank you to our sponsor Fleur de Lis Lodge No 8969 for your donation to assist with funding the awards.
A special thank you to the parents/guardians for their kind gifts for the coaches- much appreciated 👍
Craig got photo happy 😊
Honestly there are more coaches- he wouldn’t let us on the stage 😂
St Mary’s abc at Chatham Town FC fund raising Oct 2019
Would like to thank everyone at Chatham town football club today for the hospitality and thanks to the parents who turnt up and supported the cause we have counted it all up and we raised £263 today to go towards st Mary's club once again we thank you all who donated